26 September, 2016

The End Of Summer Blues

For the last couple of days, I've been really feeling the end of Summer creep in: mornings are colder, it gets darker earlier... I always get this feeling of dread at the end of Summer, and I can be really down because of it. So this year, I'm taking the necessary precautions!
One of the things that makes me happy is having something new to learn: this month, I started taking a Spanish course with my family. It's been so much fun and I'm really enjoying learning this new language.Another thing is being active. Getting your energy levels up by exercising is something that really helps when you feel down. Our family has recently started taking dancing lessons together, the basics of latin and ballroom dancing. It's been incredibly fun and rewarding. And it's an hour of fun exercise as well!And, of course, we also have a wedding to plan! And, seeing as I am a total planning geek, this makes me incredibly giddy. Right now, I'm onto dresses, which of course is easily one of the most exciting things!What are some of the things you do to get yourself out of a funky mood?